Website Project Questionnaire * = required 1. What is the function of your website? Brochure - Presents company information and content rarely changesInformational - Presents company information and regularly publishes new content on pages or as blog postsInteractive - Presents company information and regularly publishes new content, promotes a product or service and may sell 1 - 5 products or services online, interacts with customers via contact form and blog commentsE-Commerce - All of the above, plus sells multiple products or services Other 2. Do you already have a site structure ready (list of pages, rough drafts for content, list of photos you have or need for each page)? Yes, I have a site structure outlined.No yet, but I will get one ready.No, I need some help preparing one. Other 3. Do you have any of the following resources for the project? (Check all that apply) LogoBranding SpecificationsPhotosVideosDomain NameHostingPrint Materials (eg. business cards, brochures, or print ads) Other 4. What is your project budget? (This range will give me an idea of how many features can be included.) Less than $2500$2500-3000$3000-$4000$4000-$5000$5000+Not sure yet 6. Are you interested in any of the other following services? (Check all that apply) Branding or Logo DesignBusiness Cards or other Print Materials Other 7. Do you have a required launch date? No Yes Δ